Jorge Madruga and MADDD EQUITIES partner with VERBENA MANAGEMENT
Verbena Management was established on 2012 and it is the asset management of Maddd Equities and its partners like Jorge Madruga.
Verbena Management oversight of residential and commercial real estate and take responsibility for day-to-day repairs and ongoing maintenance, security, and upkeep of properties.
The portfolio includes over 3,000 residential units, market, mid income and workforce affordable housing apartments with the support of The Wavecrest Management Team and Rose Associates, Inc. Additionally, it manages over 1 million square feet of commercial space and more than a dozen parking facilities located in the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island. Verbena Management’s goal is in providing quality housing to our tenants, by direct involvement and oversight in day to day operations. We have a vast commercial tenancy, with focus on the support to the community with such tenants as daycares, charter schools, medical facilities, gyms, non for profits and supermarkets.
Jorge Madruga
in Review report Verbena maintain a high standar of Housing quality, the physical conditions of a person’s home as well as the quality of the social and physical environment in which the home is located. Healthy homes promote good physical and mental health. Good health depends on having homes that are safe and free from physical hazards. In contrast, poor quality and inadequate housing contributes to health problems such as chronic diseases and injuries, and can have harmful effects on childhood development.
According to New York City, A «Quality Housing building» is a building, developed, enlarged, extended or converted, pursuant to the Quality Housing Program. The Quality Housing Program consists of specific bulk requirements set forth for Quality Housing buildings in Article II, Chapter 3 and Article III, Chapter 5.